
School Ready A-Z

A - Starting to recoganise alphabet

B - Can use bathroom independently

C - Colour in carefully

D - Dress and undress myself

E - Eat independently

F - Able to express feelings

G - Gross motor skills well developed

H - Hold a pencil

I - Imaginative in my artwork

J - Can joke and laugh

K - Kick a ball

L - Able to listen to instructions

M - Mindful of my safety when playing

N - Can count number to ten

O - Open-minded to new learning

P - Starting to problem solve

Q - Answers questions

R - Run in a straight line

S - Self-regulates their emotions

T - Tidy away things I've used

U - Understanding towards my friends

V - Love eating my vegetables

W - Wash hands properly

X - Have the X-factor to succeed

Y - Yours and mine - able to share

Z - Can zip up a coat

This page was last updated on Saturday, August 17, 2024.

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