EYFS 2021 > Risk assessment > 3.65
EYFS 2021 > Outings > 3.66
A “risk-benefit analysis” is a comparison of associated risks and benefits in a situation and is used to evaluate whether the benefits outweigh the risks. With this mind-set, our children take part in far more activities where the benefits far outweigh the risks.
We regularly review our risk-benefit analysis across all our activities in the nursery.
When we go out on trips to toddler groups or walks, etc., we will always use suitable safety equipment, i.e. harnesses, car seats and reins. The safety of the children will always be paramount.
A weekly checklist is completed to ensure that equipment is clean and safe for the children to use and the house and garden are clean and suitable for the children to play in. The weekly checklist includes the following:
When walking we will use reins or a pushchair with a harness depending upon the ability of the child. Older children will have to hold the side of the pushchair or walk alongside a member of staff on the side away from the road. All restraining harnesses on pushchairs and car seats will be checked regularly.
We also perform risk-benefit analysis on any environment that we take the children into, for example, on outings and when walking to school, the shops, library and toddler groups, etc.
If we are planning to take the children into environments that are unknown to us, we try to do a risk-benefit analysis in advance so we are aware of any potential hazards, although this may not always be possible.
We record all risk-benefit analysis in the risk-benefit analysis register. These documents are available for all parents to see on request.
Review date: 31 December 2025
We take the task of nourishing children’s minds and bodies very seriously and ensure that their diet at the daycare is healthy and well balanced.
I am always doing that which I cannot do, in order that I may learn how to do it — Pablo Picasso